
Why is it important to Ujjain to protect the Karal Sarp Dosh?

Ujjain is the only place of pilgrimage in the entire world and is known as the religious capital. Ujjain also has the ability to cultivate egos all over other travel destinations. So here all kinds of worship like Mahamrityunjaya chant, Kalasarpa dosha puja, Planet Shanti, Pitru puja, all religious rituals of Shiva family about doing dosha puja are done here. The scriptures say that other gods are also blessed. Kalsarp Dosh is not mentioned in Indian Vedic Astrology. But today scientists named it Kaal Sarp Dosh after discovering the effects of yoga and snake dosha. Also, while this makes it useful in life astrology, it also brings disadvantages. But scientists have a different opinion.

Do you know how Kalsarpa yoga is?

For example, Rahu is in the 1st house and Ketu is in the 7th house. Then all 7 houses must be between 7 houses or 7 houses before 7 houses. It is worth noting that the degrees of all planets must lie between the degrees of Rahu and Ketu. If the house falls outside of Rahu and Ketu degrees. 

Kaal Sarp Dosh Jaap

Manic people are characterized by humility, fearlessness, influence, intelligence, self-focus, discipline, and anger.

Bring peace and calm to you life with the Pujas in Ujjain

Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja In Ujjain

Ujjain kaal sarp dosh puja will help in riddance of the dosh that is due to alingments of planets in one's kundali.

Mangal Dosh Puja In Ujjain

Mangal dosh puja in Ujjain will help in reducing the dosh from kundali and help in marrage as well as work life of the person.

Maha Mritunjaya Jaap In Ujjain

Mahamrityunjaya jaap in Ujjain has the power to prevent disasters and improving work.

Mangal Bhaat Puja In Ujjain

Mangal Bhaat Puja in Ujjain will help in resolving anger problems caused due to issues like career, job loss etc.